Event Qualification
All RoboCup Junior South Australia (RCJSA) events are open entry, meaning any teams can enter any and all events, without prior experience or finals placement in a previous event.
Event Entry Fees
Entry fee amounts for each event is shown in the event information on the SA Events page (linked from from the Event Calendar above).
Important documents including the mandatory Participation Deed (media release form) can be found at the bottom of this page. Please note that it is not permissible for forms to be altered in any way. Mentors are reminded that it is their responsibility to ensure the safety of their students, themselves, anybody associated with them and any associated property at any and all events (including but not limited to events and workshops) and complete/implement any risk assessments or child safe policies that might be required.
Workshops and Professional Development
Information regarding workshop and professional development sessions can be found at: https://www.robocupjunior.org.au/challenge-regions/sa/sa-workshops