Registration is fast approaching for our State Competition and National Hub! Please take note of the following details especially for teams entering the National Competition:
RoboCup Junior National Virtual Championships
*Registration extended to 5 October 2021*
Event Details:
Pre-recorded rounds, videos and Technical Description Papers must be submitted by 8pm AEST on 5 October 2021. This is done through the National Registration system with upload instructions explained below:
Live rounds and National Interviews will take place at UQ Centre on 9th and 10th October. Teams will complete the majority of their National events on the opposite day to their State events (Rescue, OnStage). Note all Soccer events will be submission only.

RoboCup Junior State Championships
Registration closes 5 October 2021
Event Details:
All events will run in person with teams only expected to attend on one day (Rescue, OnStage) or both days (Soccer, Maze)

Information Pack
All further details regarding the events can be found in the RCJQ Information Pack
Further Questions?
For registration inquiries and issues please email: [email protected]
For event inquiries please email: [email protected]