In the early hours of Saturday 29 July, the RoboCup Junior Queensland trailer was stolen. It was packed with equipment in preparation for travelling to the Darling Downs Regional RoboCup Junior Competition.
The thieves cut the padlock which secured it to the vehicle and stole the trailer and its contents. A police report was filed but to date no news has been received. While essential for staging robotics competitions, the contents are worthless to others so we hope that the dumped equipment will be found somewhere in Brisbane.

The RCJQ committee had established the trailer, “a competition in a box”, to efficiently support our regional competitions, workshops and demonstration events. We are absolutely devastated to lose the tiles and soccer fields which had been built and acquired only in the last two years.
The trailer, tiles, soccer fields, mats, tape and other housekeeping items collected over many years have an estimated replacement value of $20,000.

We are yet to find a current external photo of the trailer, but the details are as follows:
Registration EP5498
Description: 7×5 Box Cage Trailer with grey PVC cover
As the RoboCup State Competition is in two weeks, our local schools are kindly lending resources and equipment required.
If anyone has any information which might result in recovering the equipment, please contact the page or Margaux Edwards [email protected]